A periodic roundup of relevant news from our friends at Zatz Not Funny…
Dave Zatz: After talking to Roku, Playboy has concluded “Hulu support is coming” to the $99 set-top box. Could this be the cable freedom Holy Grail we’ve been awaiting?
Sling.com enables OS X Slingbox streaming
Dave Zatz: While there seems to be a resurgence of Slingbox haterade, EchoStar isn’t sitting by idly. as promised back at Macworld, Sling.com has enabled OS X Slingbox streaming… via Safari 3 and Firefox 3 web browsers using a lightweight Java plugin.
Sharing digital media (legally)
Dave Zatz: Traditional supply, demand, production, and distribution rules don’t transfer cleanly from the analog world to a wired marketplace hawking digital goods. Other than an artificially lower resale value, what’s the difference between a ‘used’ ebook and a ‘new’ one?
Xbox 360: Welcome to the Social?
Dave Zatz: Tons of news out of Microsoft’s E3 keynote… The two primary themes revolve around enhanced social connectivity and expanded methods of physical interaction.