Vuze – an indie-friendly video distribution platform

iTunes video meets BitTorrentVuze is an application for Mac or PC that allows users to search, browse, and download ‘near DVD’ and HD quality video content, using the peer-to-peer protocol, BitTorrent. In particular the company is pitching the platform as a way for independent video and film producers to distribute their content to millions of users — at no cost — and with a higher picture quality than other competing services. In addition to being an open platform where anybody can publish their content, Vuze has signed licensing deals with a number of larger players, such as the BBC, A&E, and Showtime, who are offering paid-for content (rental and to-own). Curiously, Vuze is also being used to distribute music and computer games.

Vuze - iTunes store meets BitTorrent

This first thing you’ll notice about the software, compared with most other BitTorrent clients, is its ease-of-use and polished interface. Browsing and downloading content is very straight forward, and in addition, Vuze has a number of social features including rating and commenting on content, as well offering ‘magnet’ links which can be embedded on blogs and social networking profiles. The idea here is to encourage Vuze content to be promoted elsewhere on the web, even if users will need to download the application in order to access that content.

vuze dowloadsOne drawback is that download speeds aren’t guaranteed, and being based on the BitTorrent protocol, will depend on how many other users are sharing and downloading the same content, and with what available bandwidth. In my own testing this varied somewhat, and at times Vuze was slower than other download services. Having said that, the pay off is really for content producers, as the technology means that most of the required bandwidth is provided by users. Another thing that was slightly disappointing is that although Vuze manages your download library, the application doesn’t have its own media player. That’s because Vuze is format agnostic, so content producers are free to upload their video in any number of formats, making it simpler to let playback be handled outside of the application (using QuickTime or Windows Media Player, for example).


Vuze will appeal to independent producers who want to distribute their content at zero-cost and up-to HD-quality. While the option to charge for content is only currently available to those who’ve signed formal licensing deals, an upcoming version of the software will enable all content creators to set their own prices, select a business model (rental, to-own or ad supported), manage territories, and choose whether to use DRM or not.

last100 is edited by Steve O'Hear. Aside from founding last100, Steve is co-founder and CEO of Beepl and a freelance journalist who has written for numerous publications, including TechCrunch, The Guardian, ZDNet, ReadWriteWeb and Macworld, and also wrote and directed the Silicon Valley documentary, In Search of the Valley. See his full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.

72 Responses to “Vuze – an indie-friendly video distribution platform”

  1. Vuze blows says:

    Vuze blows the cock. All it is: An annoying piece of nagware that is fucking with my Azureus experience.

  2. C Rogers says:

    Vuze is amazing. Friggin’ amazing. I’d say 90% of the stuff is free and over half HD. No crashes. I have a 10mbps internet connection (1024 kb/s) and it has been downloading at about 300-500kb/s for each torrent – very fast, considering its bittorrent.

    Very polished look and overall 11/10.

  3. Damned says:

    I was a very (!!!) satisfied Azureus user. Yes was ! The move towards Vuze might be interesting for sort of users, I need a good decent fast torrent-client, to download torrents, nothing else.

    Vuze isn’t anymore what I need, a pitty but looking for a replacement.

    …and the developers seem not to understand that many of us only need the torrent-functionality and that a split-up of Azureus and Vuze bus both based upon the same Azureus-download-engine would have been a better choice.

    So, regretfully, bye bye Azureus

  4. Nerdspot says:

    @ CROGERS, From when’s 1024 Kbps=10 Mbps??? If you have a 1Mbps connection and are getting 500Kbms max down, I’d say your settings are not optimized or you’re using a torrent with an average swarm speed around 300Kbps.. If you have a 10Mbps connects and are downloading at 300Kbps-500Kbps, the torrent client or your machine or your ‘net connection’s seriously screwed up!! 11/10??? Hell no!! Even the original Azureus gets only 9/10.. Vuze probably gets 7/10 and that’s just coz it has the Azureus name attached!!

  5. nerdspots a loser says:

    @ nerdspot, lol if ur gnna argue with someone at least get your facts right. when C Rogers said he had a 10Mbps speed he was meaning MEGABITS per second not MEGABITES. megabits is the format in which internet speed is recorded. To convert megabits into megabites and kilobites (kb) you roughly divide the number of megabits by 8. so, nerdspot you were wrong.

  6. zwot says:

    @ whoever it was above. duh all you guys were wrong.
    kb/s = kilobits per second with a small b
    kB/s = kilobytes (spelled with a ‘y’) per second with a BIG B.
    i don’t know what C Rogers meant but 300-500 kbps is rather slow (only 40-80 MB/s)
    so I guess he meant 1024 kilobytes (kB/s), but then that should make only 8 Mb/s not 10 Mb/s.

    Anyway, Vuze is stupid, the download is slow. I had to change back to azureus 2.5.
    Whatever videos they have on Vuze you can get them by normal bittorrent.

  7. "Luze" Hater says:

    1. Lost at least 5 lines off my screen for the honor of being able to see their logo bar in my face.
    2. Slower than ever. (Do they think I run downloads 24/7 on my P4 4GHz 4GB ram machine or perhaps on my old laptop that sits in the corner?)
    3. Nice big brother upgrade trick: will still have the existing interface… wrong. I’m sure they love it when MS does that to them.
    4. System restore won’t take me back to the old version, have to do it by reloading.

    Can’t figure out who they wrote “Luze” for. Certainly not anyone I know.

  8. waytooslow says:

    is it normal for Vuze to run at 3.5 kbs? cause i’m not gonna wait for 14 days for my download to get completed…

  9. Liquidcow says:

    I’ve always used Azureus on my PC, just had to get a Mac for work, put Azureus on it, and this Vuze thing loads up. Hang on, I think, this isn’t Azureus, it must be some kind of spyware. I download the other version on their website and see the old familiar interface, but then it tells me it needs an update, and five minutes later I’m back to this stupid Vuze thing trying to get me to download the latest Green Day video.

    I just want a fairly simple BitTorrent client that allows me some custom options like selective dowloading. I don’t want this stupid webstore loading up every time I use a torrent.

    Absolutely ridiculous, I’m appalled that they’ve done this and I will be looking for a replacement.

  10. Francky says:

    To all you people crying about the lost of the good old azureus, it’s still there, just with a lot of extra bell and whistles (which I for one welcome)

    To get the old interface, just go in preference/interface/start (might have to run the wizard to go in advance mode first) and then just click the “display Azureus UI chooser” bingo, you can set it back to be a normal Bittorrent client.

    My only MAJOR problem with it myself is the HUGE oversight with the DRM scheme. Azureus as we all know is or was, a Java based application, so it worked on PC, Mac and linux. Yet they went and choose a PC only DRM (wmv based I guess).

    So here I was all excited at the prospect this opened up (since I just installed a mac mini to my tv) only to realise that every show I wanted to buy was telling me that I can’t because of my OS.

    Think about this… I’m about to buy a show, me a costumer, but CAN’T because of DRM, but someone that pirates the same show as now problem ?!

    When will these Damn companies learn that DRM only hurts their costumers! It’s time they switch to watermarks (with client number and such) this way it plays anywhere, but if the costumer shares it they can trace it back to him easily. This way it Punishes the pirates, not the honest costumers.

  11. Divinity Itself says:

    Yes you can use the old UI when you select it specifically in VUZE.

    It is said that no VUZE code will be used after that.
    So next time you startup Azureus VUZE only the Azureus UI should be there.

    I’ve never ever seen a company include segregated code that can be omitted. I refuse therefore to believe that it is optional. And then the DRM thing…

    FOSS or not, the fact that no poll has been made amongst users about this software distribution makes me very susceptible. No matter what the developers say.

    I smell a rat in the kitchen.

    So use at your own risk. I for one am gonne stick to 2.5 without upgrades. If they try to nag me about updates, I’ll abandon Azureus alltogether.

    Be fair and sensible, buy good software you use. I do.

  12. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Legally available content from bittorrent that uses advertising to pay the bills.

    I’ve held off buying an HDTV tuner for my PC for the longest time. Reason: I just don’t think I should have to use 19th century technology, when my 21st century PC can stream movies from Netflix on demand.

    Broadcast TV is kaput, but they are trying to squeeze every last nickel out of it.

    Hey, there’s always time to be spent gaming until they get it now that Ut3 is out!

  13. Stephenson King says:

    Listen 2 Me Now and Believe Me after-you’ve-had-2-clean-your-whole-system-and-reboot-2-times -and-find-some-obscure-site The VUSE NAZI’s haven’t found yet! DO NOT GET VUSE! My Lord I have the old one at My Office, the version that is apparently invisible from the annoying updates! I trIed VUSE Thinking this will be great…. WRONG!!! I knew they had to make money sometime BUT NOT LIKE THIS! It’s too bad they wasted all their time and money so some guy at Harvard by Mid-Spring [2008] will have made a better downloading tool! Sorry Berkley according to My Source hovering around Me. Anyone who says this is a BETTER format WORKS for Azureus/VUSE!

    As One Gentleman said on ANOTHER forum and I quote:
    “I will continue to use Azureus till they pry it from My Cold Dead Hands!”


  14. frank rizzo -- jerky says:

    Well, I awoke to azureus crying about wanting to upgrade, and usually I do. But when I saw the message about (something like) users using old version blah, blah, I went ‘wait a minute’. Luckily the paranoid schizophrenic in me decided to look into it. I am so glad I did. I checked out that vuze bullsh*t a while ago. It sucked then, it prolly sucks now (especially after reading all of your comments).
    I have now turned off all updating functions in Azureus. I’ll stick with this version until it just plain refuses to work anymore. Then I’ll find a new client.
    Vuze tries to sell you crap you can find anywhere for free, with DRM no less! Screw the guys at Azureus for even affiliating with them. I’d rather deal with ads in the UI than this crap.

  15. anti-vuse says:

    Stupid vuse! I only get 3-12k downloads now instead of 30-155k. Vuse sucks trying to throttle people

  16. rederikus says:

    The new Azureus Vuze SUCKS BIG TIME. Been using Azureus for a couple of years. I installed which has Vuze. It lasted 2 minutes on my laptop. I uninstalled it and I am now running uTorrent.

    What are these goons doing? Really.

  17. rumpelstiltskin says:

    The integration of Vuze into Azureus has been done incredibly badly – aside from whether it was a good idea in the first place. Azureus used to be a great torrent manager, now I’m experimenting with others for comparison, starting with utorrent.

  18. DLudicrous says:

    Vuze is screwing up all the good experience I had with Azureus through the two years I’ve used it. Who the **** came to that stupid idea of replacing the old one with Vuze? All we want is a torrentclient not an entertainment system (whoever needs one can buy or configurate his own). I’m going back too to the old version or I’ll just uninstall it and look for another client.
    Don’t blame the users Azureus, we’re not failing you, you’ve failed us first!

  19. MarcyA says:

    When i saw the changes this vuse crap brought with it it took not even 2 minutes for me to deinstall azureus and get the good old version back, what a luck azureus runs well without updating

  20. yoyoma says:

    git transmission!

  21. MediaGuy says:

    Vuze blows. It opens up 4 windows on my machine, 3 of which are empty, and then crashes after about 2 minutes. I will definitely be using Azureus 2.5 and cancelling all updates.

  22. Mythos1453 says:

    Azureus was my first client, ever since i installed it i just loved it. It had so many capabilities and though required so few resources it was clearly the best client in the market imo ( i had tried almost all the rest ). That’s until Vuze…While Azureus was running quietly in the backround requiring 30mb from RAM, Vuze decided to step up it needs an astonishing 150-160MB of RAM…Clearly the programmers had the wrong idea of the system specifications in 2008. Anyways to sum up, nice entertainement software…but that’s about it. It’s a useless bit torrent client which consumes huge amounts of resources, and can’t run properly in 80% of the world’s pc’s. I wish they never made that decision…

  23. Cochis says:

    Used Azureus for years with no problems, then they introduce this abortion. I thought bittorrent was supposed to be the good guys?

    Dumped Azureus for Utorrent, it’s not as good as original Azureus but it only does what I want it to rather than loading up screenfuls of resource hogging crap that I didn’t ask for.

    The whole Vuze thing is a huge own goal on Azureus’ part.

  24. Vuze sucks says:

    I’ve had Azureus for like almost a year with the proper original Azureus then my mother board broke down a few months ago so I got a new Computer Tower had my hard drive placed in it and then I tried installing my old azureus then this stupid garbage Vuze showed up and has messed up everything when Im download a file that has more than one video on it doesn’t even give me the option of ticking which files I want downloading instead I have to go on the details and then files and it takes a million years to fucking set up which files I want downloading then it doesn’t even download it keeps pausing and stops downloading im so pissed Vuze is shit get the old one back. Vuze sucks

  25. flying dutchman says:

    I think Vuze stinks! U only can download stuff for a hour! ONE HOUR!

  26. Wengerball says:

    Thanks to Francky for the info on how to turn it off – now I’m back to my old lightweight Azureus, which is all I or 95 per cent of the rest of the users want.
    To repeat for those that don’t want to trawl to find it – Francky said “To get the old interface, just go in preference/interface/start (might have to run the wizard to go in advance mode first) and then just click the “display Azureus UI chooser” bingo”
    It was different for me – I had to go to options/interface/display ui chooser.

  27. VUZE hater says:

    Last weekend i’ve updated my linux box and when I started Azureus something incredible happend… f***k some shit called vuze poped up. I was so angry after realising that it downloaded more megabytes for this shit media center wanabe then for the file I really wanted.
    Yesterday I started using uTorrent in my Windows box. That’s something really dumb to do but …. any sugestions for a good torrent client in Linux ?

  28. daveednyc says:

    Azureus/Vuze frankenstein monster is THE WORST. Screwed up my system. Every time I installed it other programs like Dreamweaver, Firefox, iTunes and who knows how many others simply stopped working. When I’d reboot, Windows would conduct some sort of “system repair” that thankfully took this crap software off (at least I think so.) Luckily, I saved my old 2.5 installer. Ugh, what a stupid, stupid development for what was a great application.

  29. K says:

    i am getting 150-160 on vuze i wouldn’t mind it if there was not that annoying logo at the top of the screen i just hate it honestly it gives me a headache and makes me want to punch my computer if they didnt have the logo there so you could ignore the vuze stuff and continue as normal it would be good but they decide to shove it in your face i hate vuze but i will give it a go if i can get over it ill stick but if not straight back to 2.5 mate

  30. Aristos123 says:

    U can just download the older azureus 2 5 0 0 from mininova
    Thats what im doing right now considering ur talk.

  31. ed says:

    I just setup Azureus on my gf’s computer today, as my computer is under repair. I went to, and I see all this Vuze shit. I thought it was a fake site, or Azureus bit the dust or something. So I google it, and find the old Azureus page…but the new update is still this Vuze shit. I realized this must be for real…man, I’m so disappointed. I switched back to classic view, but really, wtf? I hadn’t updated Azureus in forever, so I never saw this Vuze shit on my computer. I’ve been using it for years, and I thought it was a great app…

  32. Xepharian says:

    I’ve just booted into Vista – first time for ages (I usually use XP or Mandriva Linux) and I thought i’d d/l last night’s Dr Who. Fired up Azureus and innocently accepted the “updates”. What a mess this Vuze thing is – I don’t want it I just want a bittorrent client and this is certainly no longer that. After five minutes of frustration and indignation I’ve installed utorrent which is what I use in XP so….. I’m afraid…. through no fault of mine….. it’s goodbye to Azureus……. forever….. It was fun while it lasted. A pretty good product totally ruined

  33. Lunaxx says:

    Like almost everyone here, I hate the new Vuze, but thanks to Francky I’ve got the old interface back and I’m able to select which of multiple files/videos I want to download before it starts – just like in old Azureus. So thank you!

    To those who are trying to do this also, this is Franckys helpful post “To get the old interface, just go in preference/interface/start (might have to run the wizard to go in advance mode first) and then just click the “display Azureus UI chooser”

    Works like a charm

  34. CBergerman1515 says:

    I agree that the new vuze doesnt work well at all
    It just slows everything down

    But i have a question and maybe someone can help me out

    How do you select whether or not to seed the torrents that you have already downloaded?
    Is there a way to dissallow seeding from azureus?

    Thanks for the help in advance!

  35. Freedom76 says:

    iHATE VUZE. It is not customizable regarding content, and has nothing redeeming in quality of content. look up THE GIRLS IN BIKINI’S IS A LOAD OF CRAP, THEY NEVER TAKE THEIR CLOTHES OFF! WE HAVE KIDS IN THE HOME AND CAN’T USE ANY AZUREUS 3.? BECAUSE THE VUZE VIDEO INTERFACE IS NOT CUSTOMIZABLE. IT CLAIMS TO ALLOW YOU TO X OUT MATURE CONTENT, THEN IT JUST SHOWS GIRLS IN BIKINI’S TRYING TOO HARD, OR A CARTOON CHARACTER WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD! Vuze is disgusting/disturbing to say the least. I like to support Open Source projects, but I CAN’T SUPPORT VUZE! Yes, most videos are HD, but c’mon, — are you soooo Lame that you can’y search out HD videos to download with Azureus–without Vuze?

  36. Chirs says:

    Hi guys,

    I hated the Vuze stuff too. TRY THIS:


    From inside the program:
    Click the “Show” button, you may have to scroll to see it.

    Choose CLASSIC INTERFACE and get rid of this VUZE s*** FOR GOOD!

    W00T W00T!

  37. Chirs says:



    Look under Mode, set it to ADVANCED!!!

  38. MacKenna says:

    I dumped “Vuze” when all my downloads slowed to a crawl and no amount of tweaking would improve or fix the problem. I had three downloads that slowed to 2.5kb/s and stayed that way for a week. As soon as I switched to utorrent they picked up to between 95 and 250 kb/s.

    Azeurus did not need improving, it worked fine. This new Vuze is shite…

  39. Vikram says:

    Vuze is incredibly crappy. Super slow and unnecessary things. Download speeds bottomed from 250-300 kbps to 30-40 kbps. Tried all possible settings but NO LUCK. All we want is a torrent interface, Good ol’ Azureus is really awesome. Reverting back to 2.5 !!

  40. jason says:

    I understand all your complaints about the new Vuze interface and I agree 100% is blows. But that’s not all. Simply going into the interface settings and changing that doesn’t fix the fact that Vuze LOCKS UP MY ROUTER IMMEDIATELY UPON STARTUP WITH ACTIVE TORRENTS. Dood? WTF? I have to physically unplug my router and plug it back in! I look in the security log before I reboot it and it is FILLED with IP SPOOFING ALERTS. I’m not turning off my firewall just so Vuze will work. Uninstalled Vuze, and sifted through the developers site to find the version You can get the old version here:

    I installed that choose the advanced option and of course as soon as it starts up it wants to update, I clicked cancel then went into: tools->options->interface->start and unselected the top for check boxes for splash screen, check for updates on start, periodically check for updates, and automatically load the update assistant when an update is available.

    Now, downloading my Naruto and Bleach episodes at over 900K (yes almost 1 megabyte per second) and my router doesn’t have one complaint about IP spoofing from the WAN.

    What the hell did they break in the Azureus engine itself that can cause my router to lock up? That’s fucked up. (Belkin wireless G ver. 5000)

    Hey people that are working on this vuze, get ahold of a Belkin wireless G ver. 5000 and watch it HARD LOCK in about 5 seconds after torrents start going.

    Oh well, I’ll never stop using azureus

  41. bee says:

    noisy clutter

  42. Almost a geek says:

    i would like to remind all you people out there who are complaining about the new interface that they can easily switch back to the old interface… it took me about a minute to find the option. the plus side of doing this is you get the advantages of new bug fixes that come out with the newer versions. the new interface is simply a waqy for the creators of vuze (azureus) to attract a different demographic then those who are more computer literate.

    all you have to do to change your interface is to go to tools: options
    then interface: start
    and itsd the last option choose interface

    Staples that was easy

  43. desu lol says:

    Quit whining about Azureus and start using Transmission.

  44. FF says:

    I dumped Vuze/Azereus for uTorrent. You should do it too. Vuze is slow and gives you features you wouldn’t need! I just want torrents, not crap! Thanks Azereus, goodbye Vuze!

  45. FF says:

    One other reason for dumping Vuze is when I tried to install the latest version (after a Windoze crash), it asked for JRE 1.5 or later. I found that downloading JRE 1.5 is almost next to impossible (go figure!)….so again…

  46. ALd-52 says:

    “This first thing you’ll notice about the software, compared with most other BitTorrent clients, is its ease-of-use and polished interface.”

    WTF? The first thing I notice is that it wants me to look at a bunch of stupid shit instead of showing me what I’m trying to download. Why would I want to look through a bunch of videos? If I am using a bittorrent client it is because I already found something to download.

    How is this new interface any more efficient than searching for what you want on the pirate bay?

  47. Jason Palmer says:

    I was googling for Vuze and Belkin to see if I was the only poor bastard who has a Belkin Wireless G v 5000 router and have the router HARD LOCK as soon as torrents start going in Vuze I am really pissed off about this. How the hell can a program cause my router to HARD LOCK forcing me to unplug and reboot my router?! That’s totally messed up.

    Belkin Wireless G ver 5000 does NOT work with Vuze I can confirm this (even on a torrent only connected to like 5 peers causes a hard lock in the router).

    PLEASE FIX VUZE! I had to go to and get azureus so my router wouldn’t hard lock.

  48. Pissed says:

    I installed Vuze on my Mac OSX over the weekend and have been finding shit on PirateBay…now my internet connection has slowed to a crawl! I had to uninstall the whole program and I’m stilling crawling through cyberspace!!!
    Anyone know what the fuck happened????????

  49. pissed off says:

    4 days ago i downloaded something from pirate bay which fucked my laptop and my mates pc up and have had to cope with out it for two days like having my head cut off when i got it back after great exspense and installed vuze again i got the new hd one which is shit it won’t find anything how do i get the old version back the one that finds everything or a site that does without getting anymore virses

  50. chrisy says:

    Last week, I got the new Vuze version updated on my computer and ever since, it is a mess!!!
    First, my internet connection became very slow and now my downloads are really slow too
    I looked for answers everywhere with no succes, my options all look set up correctly. It is really furstrating and I’m close to give up and to start using something like utorrent…
    I never had any problems with Vuze before but now it is really bad…. No need to create new version if it is to have such problems. with nobody to clearly explain what the resolutions are. Funny thing is: lots of people are complaining about the speed and technicians I read on the net say they didn’t see any problems of that type yet….
    A mess I tell you…..

  51. Steve says:

    (Mac OS X ) After a recent update I was unable to download more than one file at a time yet I was uploading 3-4 files at alarming speeds. I restricted the bandwidth to the uploads based on a suggestion that the upload speeds may be interfering with download speeds.

    I did some quick research to see what some of the other popular Mac bittorrent clients, downloaded Transmission and ran a test. I quit out of Vuze and loaded the same torrents there were not downloading into Transmission, and voila, most of the torrents were immediately downloading.

    For a long time I have found the interface on Vuze bloated and the automatic upgrades completely obnoxious. It is bloatware plain and simple. I have deleted it and will not look back at this piece of garbage.

  52. Andrei says:

    Vuze is a piece of shit. Azureus was great.

  53. sad man says:

    they ruined it.. Its that simple. i just uninstalled for utorrent and the sec they change t back ill re download it

  54. Rich says:

    The thing that’s missing among thee complaints is that Vuze sucks up all the RAM and CPU cycles on your computer. Leave it on all day, and you have to do a hard reboot. This is true on both Mac and Windows. In fact, it only tkes a few hours before you are hosed. I hope this behqvior can be controlled — e.g., by wrapping the executable in a shell script that adds a java flag to limit how much RAM and CPU this pig can take.

  55. Prins Bernhard says:

    The developers of Vuze should be hanged by their balls with a piece of rusty barb-wire!
    I will never use any piece of their shiity bloathware ever again.
    In my own language: Val kapot stelletje VUZE teringlijers!

  56. Badmouth says:

    Too many people using very foul language in these comments. These idiots think this is cute/cool, and I expect they are going to shout me down. They are the kind of people who believe they can say anything they want, like it’s guaranteed by the Constitution. What they don’t understand is freedom of speech is limited, like you can’t offend someone else, or they can sue you in court and win. Of course, these people don’t respect the rights of others, so I’m wasting my breath on them, and to them I am a fool. We’ve got too many people like this in our society, and they are just tearing our country apart. To them I say….GET SMART! Do you enjoy living like stray dogs in the park?

  57. M T says:

    Thank You one and all.
    The information about how to restore the look and feel of Azureus is wonderful.
    I dislike Vuze, it is too much of what I don’t want.
    Seeing Azuerus again was like seeing a long lost friend!
    thanks again.

  58. m t says:

    By the way…
    Anybody know why this site wants to install a Explorer Plugin that required Root approval?
    Seems suspect to me, but I’m that kind of person.
    Good reason not to use an account that has root permissions.

  59. Anon says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but 1024 kb/sec ain't 10 megabit.

  60. Anon says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but 1024 kb/sec ain't 10 megabit.

  61. Anon says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but 1024 kb/sec ain't 10 megabit.

  62. Anon says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but 1024 kb/sec ain't 10 megabit.

  63. Anon says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but 1024 kb/sec ain't 10 megabit.

  64. Subtle_Demise says:

    Freedom of speech isn't limited. Watch the episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit about freedom of speech. I know 6 month old comment but it pissed me the FUCK off. 🙂

  65. Subtle_Demise says:

    Freedom of speech isn't limited. Watch the episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit about freedom of speech. I know 6 month old comment but it pissed me the FUCK off. 🙂

  66. ce3gnm says:

    have not picture in vuze, this happen after we removed windos and reinstall windows xp

  67. ce3gnm says:

    have not picture in vuze, this happen after we removed windos and reinstall windows xp

  68. jsamx says:

    I have to say, it is not all that great if you want to covert to DVD to use on your DVD Player. I know that is not what they advertise (100%) It is slow to say the least and the $700.00 of free software is a joke and is mostly FREEWARE that does not work. Frostwire brings you Trojans. The converting tool does not work either and even on the web. most say the same. So really if you want to just download and use on your laptop or PC fine. Otherwise it is better to get FREE Ares and buy ConvertX2DVD and it is better.

    The techs. at Vuze just keep telling you to download all kinds of stuff which doesn't work as stated. Then when you keep asking they IGNORE you completely! Believe me there are better ways to spend your money! it is a very dissapointing service to say the least!

  69. jsamx says:

    I have to say, it is not all that great if you want to covert to DVD to use on your DVD Player. I know that is not what they advertise (100%) It is slow to say the least and the $700.00 of free software is a joke and is mostly FREEWARE that does not work. Frostwire brings you Trojans. The converting tool does not work either and even on the web. most say the same. So really if you want to just download and use on your laptop or PC fine. Otherwise it is better to get FREE Ares and buy ConvertX2DVD and it is better.

    The techs. at Vuze just keep telling you to download all kinds of stuff which doesn't work as stated. Then when you keep asking they IGNORE you completely! Believe me there are better ways to spend your money! it is a very dissapointing service to say the least!

  70. slot pulsa says:

    kualitas gambar lebih tinggi daripada layanan pesaing lainnya. Selain menjadi platform terbuka di mana siapa pun dapat mempublikasikan konten mereka, Vuze telah menandatangani perjanjian lisensi dengan sejumlah pemain yang lebih besar, seperti slot deposit pulsa.

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