(Credit: Jamie Gonzalez via twitpic)
I’ve written many times before that social networking, and Facebook in particular, is the killer application for mobile phones. It’s what’s driving take up of mobile data and the adoption of higher end so-called smartphones. The mobile networks have taken notice and jumped on the social networking bandwagon, heavily promoting access to Facebook as a key feature, and handset makers are doing the same.
RIM has been targeting consumers with an ad campaign that features the Blackberry’s Facebook application.
Ditto Apple with the iPhone.
And there’s INQ, a new entrant whose first device, the INQ1, has been dubbed ‘the Facebook phone‘ based on its deep integration with the social networking site.
See also: Hands-on review: INQ1 a.k.a. the ‘Facebook phone’
Heck, even Nokia, despite creating its own competing social networking offerings, is starting to embrace Facebook through a prominent widget on the home screen of its upcoming flagship device, the N97.
The Palm Pre, however, looks to have taken Facebook support to the next level with its ‘Synergy’ feature, which builds the phone’s address book and messaging functionality, in part, around the social networking site (along with other third-party web services).
On that note, a leaked photo taken of the set for an upcoming Facebook television ad campaign puts Facebook at center stage – literally – signaling that the handset maker is going to market the Pre as the Facebook phone, perhaps by claiming that it has out innovated its rivals in terms of support for the near-ubiquitous SNS.
(via CNet)
I couldn’t agree more. Facebook on the Pre does look to be a killer feature.
I was using this phone for the socializing and IU had also made the changes like I had prepared an app that is now helping for scheduling and planning purposes.
You have really shared the worth post regarding the Facebook.
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