A periodic roundup of relevant news from our friends at Zatz Not Funny…
First impressions of Netflix Wii video streaming
Dave Zatz: Marcus Penn took his brand spanking new Netflix Instant Streaming disc for a spin on the Wii… All in all, this seems like a decent upgrade for dual Wii/Netflix customers the low, low price of zero dollars.
Video on the iPad – what works, what doesn’t
Mari Silbey: Apple iPad mania is in full swing, and I thought I’d do my part to contribute to it with a note on video support for the tablet.
What’s next for SlingPlayer mobile? (iPad!)
Dave Zatz: I recently checked in with my former Sling peeps, regarding mobile clients. Specifically, codecs and resolution.
Dave Zatz: The eagle has landed. And my TiVo Premiere review loaner, with new HD Flash UI (in places), is firing on at least one core. I haven’t had much time to play with it yet, but I did grab the opening animation for your viewing pleasure, along with a few interesting screengrabs.