OK, so I’ll admit that television remotes aren’t exactly the most exciting tech products. But 3view’s newly announced Wii-like remote for its HD and Internet-connected set-top box is still noteworthy.
And although I already new of its existence after my recent visit to the company’s offices, I got to actually see the product up front at last week’s The Gadget Show Live. The remote feels really comfortable in the hand and its motion sensor and cursor-based operation should be a perfect fit when utilizing the Opera-powered web browsing capability of the 3view set-top box. It won’t come as standard, however, but will be an optional extra I’m told.
Video after the jump…
Here's where their remote comes from… 🙂
Ah, that makes sense Dave. In fact, much of what 3view are doing uses 'off-the-shelf' technology and parts but I like where they are taking it.