Zatz Not Funny: Squeezebox app store, AppleTV with Blu-ray?, EyeTV iPhone app, Verizon hub discontinued

A periodic roundup of relevant news from our friends at Zatz Not Funny


Squeezebox embraces app store phenomenon

Mari Silbey: Logitech is introducing an App Gallery that will organize all of the Squeezebox service options in the now-familiar “App Store” format.

Question of the day: AppleTV with Blu-ray?

Dave Zatz: After reading rumors of new Macs with integrated Blu-ray drives for the umpteenth time, I posed a query to my Twitter followers: “Would you buy an AppleTV if it had a Blu-ray drive, too?”

EyeTV releases placeshifting iPhone app

Dave Zatz: EyeTV, the OS X DVR software and television tuning/encoding hardware provider, receives a companion iPhone app today.

The Verizon Hub has been discontinued

Dave Zatz: The Hub was designed to be both an Internet-connected widget station and serve as the household VoIP hub with a bit of PIM functionality thrown in to sweeten the deal.

last100 is edited by Steve O'Hear. Aside from founding last100, Steve is co-founder and CEO of Beepl and a freelance journalist who has written for numerous publications, including TechCrunch, The Guardian, ZDNet, ReadWriteWeb and Macworld, and also wrote and directed the Silicon Valley documentary, In Search of the Valley. See his full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.

One Response to “Zatz Not Funny: Squeezebox app store, AppleTV with Blu-ray?, EyeTV iPhone app, Verizon hub discontinued”

  1. funnyiphoneapp789 says:

    Good and nice application. Thanks for the share. Very well done.

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